Stylista, Wednesday nights on the CW, is my new reality obsession. The show follows 11 aspiring fashionistas all competing for an editorial job with
Elle magazine under the scrutiny of Elle's fashion news director Anne Slowey. Each episode includes an assistant task like picking out Anne's breakfast, dressing mannequins, or picking a theme for a demanding 10-year-old's birthday party, followed by an editorial challenge of styling and laying out a fashion spread.
Since right now my dream job is, and has been for awhile, to work at a magazine I watch this show like I am one of the competitors, trying to decide who I would want to work with and who would be my biggest competition, while furiously biting my nails.
I know one of the most important working in the fashion industry is to not let anyone break you. In the second episode Jason had a panic attack, had to be taken away to the hospital, came back for the editorial critique but still got eliminated. I mean honestly if you have to be taken to the hospital while you're competing for an assistant position, you're not right for the job. I can't help but feel for him though, because in the past, I have let my emotions take over my cool.
In the third episode DyShaun, who says the funniest things ("No one, hopefully is dying over a pair of shoes"), really hit home when he said, "In this business you can be sweet, but you have to have some sort of bite to you." He was referring to Cologne, who I think was the bigger person, when she "gave up" the mother-daughter team that team two and three were fighting over in the third episode.
I think that sometimes I can be too sweet and just do the extra work because it's easier than asking someone else to do it. Not that I'm a pushover by any means, because I will definitely let you know if I'm upset, but I just think I'd rather get things done quickly and correctly rather than have to fix someone else's work or painfully coax the person to even do the work. That is definitely something I need to work on. It's just hard to know what the right balance is.
Which brings me to the contestant, Kate, who was criticized immediately for her disgusting, exhibitionist tendencies of showcasing her cleavage. Kate is whiney b*tch and unfortunately a poor representation of a leo when she said, "I'm a leo, I don't work in teams." She's made excuses for every team she's worked on and has cried several times on the show, which is in the fashion world, is a sign of weakness.
All I have to say is that I'm in for the long run and will do (almost) anything I have to not to hear the words, "You're not the right fit."